Three Habits that will Transform your Life.

“We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle

Ahmed Bule
3 min readFeb 19, 2020

From the time we were born, our parents and schools taught us certain habits that we consistently did every day. Brushing your teeth every morning is a habit that barely takes a few minutes to accomplish. It takes days, months and years to create a habit that will truly change your life. There was one study that found 66 days for how long it takes to integrate a new habit into your life. Habits are what sets successful people from those that give up easily in the first few days.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. When will you take that single step?

Below, I am going to share with you three habits that have so far changed my life.

Live outside your comfort zone.

Photo by George Hiles on Unsplash

If you want to keep growing, you must destroy your comfort zone. The world is constantly changing and if you are not moving forward, you are heading backward. What is one activity that challenges you to stay outside your comfort zone? Your comfort zone kills your ambition. What would you think of yourself if you are in the exact same place next year? I remember a time when I hated to exercise. I couldn’t fathom why someone would destroy their body and injure themselves. One day, a friend of mine asked me to go for a two-mile run and halfway during my run, I wanted to give up. I was hurting badly and at that moment, I knew that if I wanted to accomplish great things, I had to live outside my comfort zone.

Movement kills comfort and you just need to take that first step. You should enjoy your life by not limiting yourself to routines and friends to do whatever they want

Never follow the crowd.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

I remember taking a creative writing class during high school when I read The Road not Taken by Robert Frost. In it, he ends with three lines that have shifted my thinking of not conforming to certain standards that our society has forced upon us.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Understand the future and know yourself before you follow the crowd. Following the crowd will limit your capabilities and kill your creativity. You are created to set your path and live your life according to what makes you happy.

Seek knowledge

The future belongs to those who keep growing every day. If you stop learning, you are slowly dying inside. Many jobs are being automated and before you open your eyes, Artificial Intelligence will take over your job. Three decades ago, there was no Amazon or Facebook. Yet today, the majority of billion-dollar companies are technologically driven.

Keep seeking knowledge and in an era where there is a rapid change, the new revolution is invisible. Digital education is the key to succeeding in a new decade. How many books have you read last month? When was the last time you took a course that challenged your limits and expectations?

Success does not happen overnight and so as implementing a new habit. It requires years of hard work and preparation. There are days when you don’t feel like doing certain activities, but you should still do it. Our brain always wants to give up, but on the other side suffering and pain, there is greatness at the top of the mountain.

As Nike says, Just Do It.



Ahmed Bule

Software EngineerI Passionately writing in the areas of productivity, business, life, and entrepreneurship.