4 Ways To Master Your Focus

Ahmed Bule
4 min readMar 6, 2020
Photo by Elena Taranenko on Unsplash

In 2000, the average human attention span was 12 seconds and in the last decade, that figure has decreased by three seconds. Scientists and other Psychologists have argued that the cause of the decline has to do with digital attachment and keeping up with the Joneses. Surprisingly, the average attention span of a fish is 9 seconds. I know you are shocked now but if we keep checking our phones every second, there is a high chance that we might not even remember our phone number. In order to improve other areas of our lives, I have compiled four ways that we must work on to master productivity.

Turn off your notifications

With every app and company fighting for your attention, you need to turn off your phone. Understand that there is nothing wrong with staying connected with your friends but don’t let your phone use you.

Throughout high school and college years, I wasted years of my precious time browsing and checking my phone every five minutes. In a way, I didn’t want to miss the new trends and hype that was going on.

Yes, millennials are the most active group when it comes to the mobile sphere. Apple and Samsung have been battling for world dominance, encouraging us to keep using their technology. Designers use colors and banners that are addictive.

In a nutshell, start turning off or silencing your phone. Don’t be a prison for your cell phone. You have dreams and goals that you want to achieve. Technology should improve our lives and not distract us from our future.

Make time when you need to be productive.

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

Every night before you go to sleep, block a couple of hours of your time to stay focused and have the intention of achieving your daily goals. We all want to be productive every day but what we are missing is how and when to be productive

Are you productive in the morning or afternoon? Do you stay productive when you are at home or at a coffee shop?

Sometimes, I encourage my friends and peers to be honest with their lifestyle. I know I can’t write a 1,000-word article while I watch ESPN highlights in the morning. So, I regularly visit the nearest coffee shop and get in the grind mode.

Take ten minutes of your time and prioritize your activities into different categories. To save time and energy, find out your optimal and productive hours.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is one of the best time-management methods that successful people use to stay productive.

The technique is designed for you to stay productive. I know you want to check your email every ten minutes or your phone, but you have to commit a single task for twenty-five minutes. Slowly, the Pomodoro technique trains your brain away from distraction.

Do you want to check Instagram stories for a few minutes? Nope! You have to wait until the timer rings. Realize that we are all victims of browsing Instagram when we were supposed to be working.

The technique helps you sustain productivity and increases accountability.

Here are the rules:

  • Choose a task to finish
  • Set a timer for 25 minutes
  • Work until the timer rings
  • Take a short 5 minutes break
  • Work on the next task
  • Every 4 Pomodoro Technique, take a longer break.

The benefits of implementing this technique to your daily life are that it enables you to concentrate without distractions and motivates you to keep working.

Exercise for 30 minutes

Photo by Johny vino on Unsplash

A healthy body is a healthy mind. Your body has a right upon you and by spending just thirty minutes a day exercising, you could potentially improve many parts of your life. Anything that makes your heart beat faster counts as an exercise. One of the benefits of exercising is that it improves your sleeping habits and boosts your mood. I feel so energetic and happy the days that I exercise. Before you go to sleep tonight, have your gym bag and running shoes ready. Know that exercising doesn’t change your body. It changes your mood, attitude, and mind.



Ahmed Bule

Software EngineerI Passionately writing in the areas of productivity, business, life, and entrepreneurship.